Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Things You Need To Know About Craigslist

Two important notes before we begin. Firstly. I love Craigslist. Secondly. Most Craigslist shoppers are educationally challenged.

Here is my list of things one must know before selling on Craigslist.

1.) When posting an item on C-list (thats what us addicts call it) don't bother being too specific in your description. Regardless of your detailed description you will get ten emails in the first six hours asking questions that could be answered right in your description. So, lesson number one. Don't waste your time being too descriptive and wordy.

2.) You will need to bookmark the Urban Dictionary in order to decode certain email inquiries. A majority of C-list shoppers clearly have no respect for English grammar and proper spelling. I've never seen run on sentences quite like the ones from C-listers.

3.) Do not lie about who your item used to belong to. No will actually believe your sofa once belonged to R. Kelly and contrary to belief your thirty year old sofa will not bring $200.00.

4.) Pricing. Post your actual asking price in the header of your description. I often see C-listers put $1.00 in the header and then tucked away in the detailed description it will say $175.00. This isn't going to fool even the dumbest C-listers.

5.) Selling a used portible toilet for $19.00 isn't a bargain. Even if its only been used by one person and it was $75.00 new. It simply doesn't matter. (This was an actual ad I saw on C-list)
6.) Lastly, just use a bit of common sense. If you don't have any, then it's probably best if you don't sell on C-list.

Well, there you have it. A few pointers that every C-lister should be aware of! Good luck and happy selling!

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