Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tis The Season.......For Garage Sales!

I have decided to compile a list of things you should know when having a garage sale. There is much more to such an event than one might think.

1.) Decide if you have enough items to have a sale. One table of fifteen year old Christmas knick knacks will not qualify. Evaulate your merchandise carefully. Ask yourself "Self, is this item I no longer have a use for capable of being someone else's treasure?". Half used shampoo bottles are not capable of being treasure. I want to be clear on that. "Sell your stuff, not your trash".

2.) Spend hours upon hours marking your items with price tags so that each and every shopper can ignorantly ask you what your asking price is. If you are having a garage sale to get rich, you probably won't. Garage sale shoppers are bargain hunting. If you're overpriced, they will move on....or go to Walmart.

3.) Adverstisement. Please, oh please take the time to put out proper signage. If you live on the last street in a thirty street neighborhood you will need to.....wait......listen.......put a sign at EVERY intersection. You cannot put one sign at the first street and pray that every shopper miraculously finds your sale.

Use big bold letters when making your signs. Do not attempt to squeeze in every detail of your sale on a sheet of construction paper. Two words "garage sale" and an arrow. Thats it. I gotta be honest. If you can't manage that, then you are not garage sale material.

4.) This is important so really take this one in. Be friendly with your shoppers without engaging in conversation. Some garage shoppers have a unique desire to want to share their entire life story with anyone willing to listen. If you find yourself cornered by a shopper and they begin with their "stories" do not....I not appear interested. Swat invisible flies, pretend you're getting a text, fake a coughing spell or asthma attack. Do what you can to flee the situation immediately. Engaging in their stories will bore you to tears, probably freak you out and could potentially lose you other sales.

5.) When deciding on a date and time for your sale you need to be aware that the more dedicated shoppers will show up a half hour earlier than your specified time. Be sure to be punctual. If you advertise your sale to begin at 8:00 am, do not begin your set up at your jammies. Get up early, shower and look presentable for crying out loud.

There you have it. I hope you find this list helpful while you plan your blessed event.

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